Monday, February 6, 2012


Despite having to endure a few days wait for path results of a biopsy, I am looking at the good things in my life. Still keeping my gratitude journal with the women who follow Ann Voskamp’s blog (she’s the author of One Thousand Gifts).  I’m now in the seventies:

65. The beauty of the birds that visit our feeder, especially in winter without leaves. Red cardinals, bright bluebirds
66. The pristine, stunning eastern morning sunlight through the work room windows
67. That Matthew actually wants to go to a high school FCA retreat though he barely know anyone going
68. Warm sheets after Wesley gets out of his bed this morning
69. A little naked dude curled up on my bed
70. Discovering Wesley’s Big Nate book stashed under the table for sneak reading
71. Hugs from a sweet student needing love; round shaved head
72. The French doors are finally fixed! Shiny new brass lock
73. Beautiful wood and shape of the new breakfast room table
74. That neither I nor any of the children have a serious mental illness
75. The glossy sheen of Wesley’s blond hair in the sunlight

I’m still compressing my wound from the procedure. It is akin to liposuction of the breast! And being a redhead (this was new information for me), the doc says I’m apparently prone to bleeding more. So I spent over an hour compressing myself to help stop the oozing from the wound. Have another hour to go.

I look forward to walking again after the 24 hour waiting period. A person needs to move to work out tension. For now – peace, lighter burden (Matthew 11:28 – 30), being present.

Linking with Ann at A Holy Experience 


Amy said...

Hi Anne:) Love your list here. Hope your wound is on the mend!
As far as the Holy Experience button, I think I just cut and paste it from her blog originally. Now I go back to my week before and cut and paste from there. I'm not tech savvy, so trust me, it had to be simple or accidental. Hope you can get it to work. Blessings and Healing~ amy (oh, and as a sister redhead I'm glad to know about the bleeding!)

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers your way that all will be well. Waiting is the hardest.

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